Cookie policy


SERVIZIAL SAS with capital of 50,000 euros, whose head office is located ZA Cime de Vaulx, 221 rue Marie Curie, 38090 Vaulx-Milieu is the owner and responsible for the processing of your personal data.


SERVIZIAL, specialized in the French manufacturing of professional furniture and equipment for the catering and hotel industry, as well as custom-made trolleys, carts and mobile points of sale, is a company committed to the protection of your privacy and your personal data. This information note aims to explain to you how we collect, use and communicate the information that you provide to us by email, telephone or via our site and .


Please read it completely before using these sites or sending us any information about yourself.


We take the necessary measures to ensure a level of security for your personal data, in connection with and in compliance with law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as “Informatique et Libertés” and the new European regulation, the GDPR. (General Data Protection Regulation n°2016/79 of April 27, 2016), applicable from May 25, 2018.


1. What personal data do we collect?

We collect and process in particular your name, first name, company, address, email address, telephone number, position, payment information, connection data (dates and times of connections, IP address) and browsing data, order history, preferences and interests, products viewed, delivery incidents, complaints.


2. When do we collect your personal data?

We collect information that you voluntarily provide to us, in particular when:

  • Complete the contact form.
  • When placing orders (by postal or electronic mail).

When you fill in the fields, the mandatory nature of the information requested from you is indicated by an asterisk, because this information is necessary in order to fulfill our obligations towards you, namely to provide you with a service or allow you to purchase a product. If this mandatory information is not provided to us, we will not be able to provide you with what you expect.


3. How will we use your personal data?

We will use your personal data, as part of the execution of the contract between us, for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To carry out operations relating to the management of our commercial relations: contracts, orders, deliveries, invoices, management of your customer account, monitoring of our customer relations, management of complaints, unpaid debts and disputes.
  • For the development of commercial statistics;
  • For the management of requests for rights of access, rectification and opposition.


4. How to manage your personal data?

You can manage your personal data by contacting us by telephone, post or email using the following contact details:

ZA Cime de Vaulx
221 rue Marie Curie
38090 Vaulx-Milieu


Tel: 04 74 28 80 06

Email: @servizial


5. Who will be the recipients of your personal data?

Eric BARBEZIEUX and Alain SCHWAB are the direct beneficiaries of your personal data.


These people may contact you directly using the contact details you have provided to us. We strictly require them to use your personal data only to administer the services we ask them to provide. We also ask them to always act in accordance with applicable laws regarding the protection of personal data and to pay particular attention to the confidentiality and security of this data. Your personal data may be communicated in accordance with a law, a regulation, a decision from a regulatory or judicial authority and finally, if necessary for SERVIZIAL SAS, in order to preserve its rights and interests.


6 . Where is your personal data stored and is it secure?

Your personal data is stored either in our databases or in those of our service providers, which are located within the European Union.


We attach great importance to the security of your data. This is why we implement all appropriate measures to prevent as far as possible any alteration or loss of your data or any unauthorized access to it.


7. Will your personal data be transferred outside the European Union?

Your personal data will remain our property and will not be transferred outside the European Union.


8. What are your rights regarding your personal data?

You have a right of access, rectification and erasure of personal data concerning you, as well as a right to limitation of processing and portability of your data. You also have the right to object for legitimate reasons to the processing of your personal data as well as the right to object to the processing of your data for prospecting purposes.


Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL. You can exercise your rights at any time by sending us your request directly:

By letter :
ZA Cime de Vaulx
221 rue Marie Curie
38090 Vaulx-Milieu

By email: @servizial specifying your customer reference.


Last clarification: any request by post or email must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and specify the address to which the response should be sent. A response will then be sent to you within one to three months following receipt of the request.


9. How long will your personal data be kept?

Your personal data is kept for a period which does not exceed the duration necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.


Thus, your data will be kept for the duration of our contractual relationship and in archiving for a period of five years following the end of said contractual relationship, when they are of administrative interest, in particular for the establishment of proof of a right or a contract.


10. Changes to this information sheet

We regularly update this sheet according to legal developments and any updates will be available on this same page.


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Ces cookies permettent de générer des statistiques anonymes de fréquentation du site via Google Analytics (le nombre de visites, les pages les plus vues, etc.). Ces données contribuent à identifier d'éventuels dysfonctionnements sur le site et à améliorer la qualité de nos services.