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    Outdoor ice cream cart – LE BOUGNAT

    The LE BOUGNAT wine cellar in Epinal asked us to design the Carriole du Bougnat, an ice cream cart selling ice for their customers.


    Model :


    Belle Epoque


    Technical details :


    The street sales cart accommodates a negative cold fridge and ice cream trays. Its CTSBH worktop is equipped with a built-in spoon sink and topped with two chrome-finish bells.

    The wooden structure receives twisted columns in solid brass with a chrome finish matching the bells. They accommodate the rigid polyester roof with lambrequin.

    The trolley works thanks to an electrical connection to the mains and can move using wooden wheels with metal strapping.


    Place :


    Epinal (88) – France


    Needs :


    Ice cream cart , presentation cart, street sales cart.